Chair of Simulation and Modeling Metallurgical Processes
As part of the Metallurgy Department of the Montanuniversitaet Leoben, the chair is working on different projects concerning numerical modeling of metallurgical processes, such as Continuous Casting of Steel, Copper and Aluminium, Ingot Casting, Electro-Slag-Remelting etc.. In addition, we are doing basic research on the interaction between turbulence and solidification, flow through dendritic mushy zones and coupled and/or oscillatory growth of peritectics. The last topic led to experiments onboard of the International Space Station (ISS) in March-April 2021 and in October 2023.
Beside our research activities we are giving different lectures and exercises on fundamentals of numerical modeling, application of simulation in steel and non-ferrous metal production as well as foundry technology.
On this site we are giving an overview about us and our activities. For those of you who are highly interested in solidification and solidification related phenomena be aware of the recent text book by Dantzig and Rappaz. The last link also provides you with quite a few movies on the topic.
Andreas Ludwig, Full Professor
World Champion
The database SCOPUS reveals that Prof. Ludwig is the world-leading scientist with regards of publications on macrosegregation (since Spring 2013). Prof. Wu presently helds the second position in this "discipline".
Worth to mention
- Prof. Ludwig was awarded with the "Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing 2022" from Acta & Scripta Materialia.
- Prof. Kharicha acts as president of the Committee for MHD industrial applications within the European MagnetoHydroDynamics Society. He contributes regularly to the EuMHD events.
- The paper J197 "Hydrodynamically driven facet kinetics in crystal growth" by Stefan-Karicha et al. is among the most downloaded papers from J. Crystal Growth, April 2022.
- Dr. Stefan-Kharicha got the Best Paper Presentation Award for her talk "Hydrodynamically driven facet kinetics in crystal growth" on the 2nd International Symposium on “Modeling of Crystal Growth Processes and Devises” (MCGPD 2021).
- Most downloaded MMTB paper in 2021: J166. Karimi-Sibaki E., Kharicha A., Wu M., Ludwig A., Bohacek J.: Metall. Mater. Trans. B 51 (2020) 222-235. DOI:10.1007/s11663-019-01719-5 "A Parametric Study of the Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) Process: Effects of Arc Radius, Side-Arcing, and Gas Cooling"
- Top cited paper in Steel Research International in 2020/21: J175. Barati H., Wu M., Kharicha A., Ludwig A.: Steel Research int. 91 (2020) 2000230. DOI: 10.1002/srin.202000230 "Role of Solidification in Submerged Entry Nozzle Clogging During Continuous Casting of Steel"
- Top 3 open access MMTB paper in 2021: J181. Vakhrushev A., Kharicha A., Karimi-Sibaki E., Wu M., Ludwig A., Nitzl G., Tang Y., Hackl G., Watzinger J., Eckert S.: Metall. Mater. Trans. B (2021). DOI: 10.1007/511663-021-02247-x "Generation of Reverse Meniscus Flow by Applying An Electromagnetic Brake"
Journal cover pictures from the group including Metals 2020/21 Best Cover Award:
Total number of SMMP publications: 497
(by February 2025)
234 Journals
24 Books and Contributions to Books
204 Conference Proceedings
35 Non-Peer Reviewed Publications